Sophia Amoruso

Sauce Boss Meets Girlboss

Our guest today is Sophia Amoruso, founder of the first internet native fashion brand, Nasty Gal. Since growing Nasty Gal to global prominence and then taking it through a sudden bankruptcy sale, she’s subsequently founded three other businesses including Trust Fund, her VC firm. Sophia coined the term #Girlboss, which is the name of her second business, a Netflix show based on her life, and the title of her memoir which spent 18 weeks on the New York Times bestseller list.

I admire Sophia for her courage and action in the face of fear. Fear of failure and fear of not looking good can be overwhelming to the point of paralysis (certainly I am governed by these fears) but today we'll get into how Sophia has achieved a buoyancy to rise above them.

Good brands transcend the reality of the businesses they represent, and in this show, she talks about what it's like for her personal brand to decouple from her lived experience - to the extent of taking a company through bankruptcy just as a Netflix series debuted about her company's success. Talk about cognitive dissonance.

Sophia and I talk about the scrutiny put on female leaders, her recent rumspringa, what she thinks is cool right now in fashion and music, and I ask her to roast my outfit.

Enjoy my conversation with Sophia Amoruso, a refreshingly real storyteller and entrepreneur who's dedicated to living on her own terms.

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“I feel like once you’ve quote-unquote ‘failed’ as big as I did with my first business, everything else just feels like the afterlife.”

Show Index

    07:30 - Sophia’s Relationship with Fear
    13:52 - Big Idea Behind Nasty Gal
    20:12 - Sophia’s Daily Fuel While Building Nasty Gal
    26:20 - A Travellog of Sophia’s Ups and Downs (It’s “f*cked”)
    33:50 - Why Female Leaders Get Scrutinized More 
    40:35 - Sophia Goes On a Rumspringa!
    43:39 - Sophia’s VC Firm, Trust Fund
    45:19 - At Large & Off The Cuff

Show Notes

Ep. 23 — Sophia Amoruso

Sauce Boss Meets Girlboss

Ep. 22 — Daniel Goldhaber

Movies by Any Means Necessary

Ep. 21 — Dinara Kasko

Have Your Cake and Tweet It Too

Ep. 20 — Nicolas Jammet

Greens to Greatness

Ep. 19 — Thomas Kemeny

Writing Your Way Ahead

Ep. 18 — Clare Vivier

Liberté, Intégrité, Simplicité

Ep. 17 — Alex Bogusky

Peace, Love, and Advertising

Ep. 16 — Alexis Gay

The Unprofessional Professional

Ep. 15 — Seth Godin

Idea Virus Patient Zero

Ep. 14 — Nicholas Coleman

Chasing Liquid Gold

Ep. 13 — Gabe Whaley

Making MSCHF

Ep. 12 — Kareem Rahma

Internet Funnyman

Ep. 11 — Amanda Hesser

Building a Digital Hearth

Ep. 10 — Shane Heath

No Mud, No Lotus

Ep. 9 — Michael Dubin

You Can’t Just Switch It Off

Ep. 8 — Scott Norton

Purpose & Play

Ep. 7 — Chris Nee

Creative Courage and Talking Stuffed Animals

Ep. 6 — Fabien Riggall

Silencing the Discursive Mind

Ep. 5 — Danielle Baskin

Striking Internet Gold

Ep. 4 — Alexander Gilkes

Givers Are Getters

Ep. 3 — Susan MacTavish Best

Hosting a Rave for the Intellect

Ep. 2 — John Fiorentino

The Hunt for Big Ideas

Ep. 1 — Eric Ryan

Good Artists Copy, Great Artists Steal

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