Shane Heath

No Mud, No Lotus

For someone who’s ridden the highs and lows of life’s roller coaster, Shane Heath comes across as remarkably grounded. 

Between the death of a college roommate, the unexpected chapter of fatherhood, and leading a hypergrowth company in an ultra-competitive industry, there are plenty of challenges that most people would be overwhelmed by. Shane doesn’t easily get overwhelmed, but he isn’t exactly easygoing. As charismatic as he is introverted, his cool demeanor belies a deep-seated intensity and unrelenting quest for existential investigation. He’s propelled forward by the moments of intensity in his life to keep creating, keep asking why, and will literally wake up compelled to do a surprise triathlon just because it’s hard.

As Shane would say: No mud, no lotus.

Shane is the CEO and co-founder of MUD\WTR, a product he created to drink less coffee which turned into a category-creating company of significant scale that he continues to lead.

In this interview, we’ll talk about Shane’s co-existing roles of interdisciplinary creative and CEO, his daily practices for energy and creativity, and the changing perception of psychedelics in American society. 

Note that as of the time of this episode’s publishing, I am an investor in MUD\WTR and that this interview is separate from my professional relationship with the company.

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“Don’t delegate your superpowers”

Show Index

00:00 Meet Shane Heath: Founder of MUD\WTR
01:40 The Origin Story of MUD\WTR
06:31 Exploring Mental Wellbeing and Creativity
25:26 Shane's Leadership and Creative Role
35:40 Experience with a Men's Group
41:12 Becoming a Father
42:59 The Constraints of Freedom
45:53 Changing Perceptions of Drugs
47:29 The Role of Psychedelics in Healing
54:08 The ESP Journaling Practice
58:58 Hot Takes

Show Notes